Hexadecimal to IP Converter

Fast and free Hexadecimal to IP converter designed for web developers and programmers. Simply enter your HEX string and click "Convert" and there goes the IP address

Why Convert Hex to IP

Usually, you will find yourself wanting to convert Hex to IP address if you are in computer networking or software development. For example:

In networking, IPv6 addresses are represented in Hex format. It is therefore essential for network admins to work vice-versa.

In software development, developers working with various network protocols or systems usually deal with IP addresses in their Hex form. This is vital as it enables them configure various tools they are working with , writing software for the network layer 2, and so on.

Manually Convert Hexadecimal to IP Address

If you do not want to use a Hexadecimal to IP Converter like ours, you can manually do the conversion.

For instance, our Hex input string(0xC0A80001). To manually convert Hexadecimal to IP, follow the following steps:

Convert each pair of hex digits to binary:
  • C0 -> 11000000
  • A8 -> 10101000
  • 00 -> 00000000
  • 01 -> 00000001

The next step is now to convert each binary string to decimal

  • 11000000 -> 192
  • 10101000 -> 168
  • 00000000 -> 0
  • 00000001 -> 1

As you can see, converting our hex input string C0A80001 to IP Address gives us

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