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Ready to harness the power of location data? Compare our plans!
Free | Starter | Premium | Ultimate | |
Location Module | ||||
Priority Support | ||||
Currency Module | ||||
Connection Module | ||||
Time Zone Module | ||||
Security Module |
Unlock unparalleled targeting capabilities. Tailor your content, promotions, and user experiences to match your visitors' locations, boosting engagement and conversions like never before.
Say goodbye to generic data. With our advanced IP locator API, IPXplorer delivers pinpoint accuracy, providing you with the exact location, timezone, and more, for every user visiting your website.
Worldwide data
210+ countries
No overage charges
Our IP geolocation API provides precise information about a user's location, including city, country, region, and more
Stay up-to-date with users' changing locations in real time, allowing for dynamic content personalization.
We cover every corner of the globe, with data for millions of IP addresses to help you expand your reach.
Our user-friendly API is designed for developers, with comprehensive documentation and easy integration.
Make data-driven decisions with our accurate location insights, ensuring your marketing and content personalization efforts hit the mark.
When you choose IPXplorer, you're not just getting IP geolocation – you're gaining a competitive edge, actionable insights, and the opportunity to create personalized user experiences that drive success.
Unlock the full power of our IP lookup API service and take your business to new heights.
Choose the Perfect Plan for Your Needs
Ready to harness the power of location data? Compare our plans!
Free | Starter | Premium | Ultimate | |
Location Module | ||||
Priority Support | ||||
Currency Module | ||||
Connection Module | ||||
Time Zone Module | ||||
Security Module |
Here are some of our clients using IPXplorer to locate website visitors for free. We give them the highest level of service
Since the IPXplorer database is integrated with a series of large ISPs who constantly provide information about new and existing IP ranges, we are proud to offer a very high level of accuracy in IP data.
IPXplorer is integrated with multiple channels delivering real-time IP data, which is why the database used by the IPXplorer API is updated regularly, with up to 8 database updates per month.
With 8 years of constant optimization, the infrastructure behind IPXplorer has grown to become highly scalable and efficient, currently handling between 3 and 5 million API requests per day.
Data coverage is growing day by day, with IPXplorer currently supporting more than 2.5 million unique locations in over 200.000 cities across the globe.
We collect the information you provide us when you create an account with us. We only collect your first and last names, and email. These are only used to identify you
We collect the information you give us only on signup
No. We do not share your information with any third party. .
When you delete your account, we also delete all your personal information too (Your names and email address)
We support PayPal payments. We do not store or collect your payment information. Everything is handled by PayPal.
Yes. We act as data processors for the IP Address data you send us. We do not keep records of the IP Addresses you look up. However we keep track of IP Addresses that make calls to our API for rate limiting purposes and then only for 24hrs. To get a copy of our DPA, send a request to [email protected].
When you run out of requests, and you are on a paid plan, we give you a payment grace period of 5 days in which you have to make a payment. During that period, you can still be sending requests. Should payments not be made within the period, your account will be downgraded to the free plan, and you'll receive your free plan allocation in the next month. We don't charge for overage.
Yes. You can manage all of this on your own from your dashboard!
The best way to get accurate IP data for your application.
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